Check your label
Become an expert in warnings, symbols and labelling!​
Most party products placed into the European Community will have to have passed strict safety tests. They also must have been manufactured to comply with EN 71 Toy Safety Regulations.
Product quality can be a mousetrap, with businesses always looking to become more competitive. But there's the other side of the coin: cheaper products from unreliable sources may sound attractive, however they are usually of lower quality - not to mention that they can carry many unseen risks.
But what kind of risks? you might ask. Well, these include not only potential physical injury, but also ingestion of hazardous substances which can go unseen. To prevent these, manufacturers must comply with a series of essential requirements.​
Mandatory warnings
These are required
by legislation.
Voluntary industry initiatives
The European Balloon & Party Council has
established a series
of good practices.
Want to learn how to read warnings, symbols & labelling without being tricked?
Identifying and reading a warning symbol can be tricky and regulations can be complex, making it harder for you to understand them.
Read on through the next pages and discover what warnings, symbols and labelling you may encounter before your next event.
Mandatory Warnings
Voluntary Warnings